Cub Scout Pack 341

Pack Rules
Calendar of Events
Camping Essentials
Den Activities
Pack Committee
Pack 341 Rules
PWD - Car Construction
PWD - Performance Tips
PWD - Racing Format
PWD - Seven Principles
PWD - Rules, Rules, Rules
Uniform - Class "B"





PACK 341





Organization of Pack 341

Adult Leadership



Den Meetings

Drop-Off / Pick-Up Procedures


Pack Meetings

Uniform Closet




Pack Activities

Pack 341 Camping

Cub Scout camps

Blue & Gold Banquet

Pinewood Derby

Talent Show

Sports and Other "Conflicting" Activities

Fund Raising

Scout Accounts

The Cost of Being a Pack 341 Cub Scout


Mutual Expectations

Appendix 1: Uniforms

Appendix 2: BSA Youth Protection Guidelines

Glossary of Terms









Welcome to Cub Scouting and to Pack 341. We are proud of the reputation we have built over many years as being one of the largest, most active, and best run Cub Scout packs in the local council. Pack 341 offers a year-round, family-centered program designed to positively influence a boy’s character development and spiritual growth by teaching and reinforcing ethical conduct, responsible citizenship, good sportsmanship, understanding within the family unit, and the ability to work and cooperate with others. And, of course, to have FUN while doing exciting new things and developing new interests and skills.

For families new to Cub Scouting, this guide contains all you need to know to get started. For those families who’ve been around Pack 341 for a while, this guide provides an update on pack policies and procedures -- some of which have changed since last year. As parents, you will be better able to assist your son in getting the most from his association with Pack 341 if you take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the information contained herein.



Pack 341 is chartered by the Boy Scouts of America and sponsored by Summit Heights United Methodist Church. We are one of about 30 packs in the Mohawk District of the Lincoln Heritage Council. The church also sponsors Boy Scout Troop 341 and many Pack 341 Cub Scouts elect to continue into Boy Scouting with Troop 341 at the end of their WEBELOS years.

A board of directors known as the Pack Committee runs the pack. Every parent is welcome to join the Pack Committee and committee meetings are always open to parents who have suggestions or concerns. The Pack Committee sets the program calendar and establishes operating policies and procedures for the pack within the guidelines of the Boy Scouts of America and the sponsoring institution. The pack committee elects its leader, the Committee Chairperson and the Cubmaster.

The Committee Chairperson conducts monthly Pack Committee meetings, leads program planning, ensures the pack complies with all BSA policies and is the liaison between the pack and the Lincoln Heritage Council.

The Cubmaster is the chief administrative officer of the pack. It is the Cubmaster’s responsibility to enact and follow the wishes of the Pack Committee, conduct monthly pack meetings and over see the day to day operations of the pack.  The Cubmaster is ultimately responsible for the recruitment, training, retention and support of the den leaders. The Cubmaster is assisted by one or more Assistant Cubmasters of his choosing.

The Den Leader’s are the back bone of any pack.  They are responsible for teaching, guiding and facilitating the cub scouts within the directives of the BSA, the Pack Committee and the Cubmaster.  Each Den Leader should have at least one assistant of his choosing.

The Pack Trainer is responsible for maintaining the training records of the adult leaders, scheduling new leader training and encouraging additional training as available.

The Pack Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the packs checking account.  The treasurer is also responsible for keeping track of and updating the scout accounts.

The Quartermaster is responsible for maintaining the packs garage and equipment.  He also repairs or replaces items as necessary with committee approval.  

The Secretary is responsible for taking minutes at the committee meetings, typing up the minutes and getting them to the Webmaster so they can be posted on the web in a timely manor.

The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining and updating the pack website.

The Pack Shopper is responsible for purchasing items for camp-outs and special pack events.

The Tiger Coach helps new tiger dens get started on the right path and is there to let new leaders know what the pack has available.

Scouts are divided according to age (or grade in school) into groups called dens. Ideal den size is 6-10 scouts and Pack 341 tries to operate within that range whenever possible. Every den has at least two adult leaders -- a Den Leader and one or more Assistant Den Leaders. Every effort is made to allow boys to select which den they will join; but placement in dens is at the discretion of the Cubmaster in consultation with the Den Leader(s).



Pack 341 is blessed to have a large number of dedicated parents who give freely of their time and energies to make our pack successful. We have high expectations of our adult leadership, which can be summed up very simply by saying, "We expect our leaders to be living examples of the Scout oath, law, and motto."

The pack is always looking for parents who want to get involved. You do not  have to know anything about Scouting -- training for Den Leaders is required within their first year. The cost for pre-approved leader training will be paid for by the Pack.  While many of our leaders are experienced, some are learning "on the job." Your patience and support is greatly appreciated.



Pack 341 will publish to its web site (, a monthly newsletter containing reminders and important details about upcoming events. An annual calendar of events is planned each August and posted to this web site as well as distributed to all families in early September or as they join. This calendar gives dates for major pack events a year in advance. Den Leaders will occasionally send their own newsletters or reminders home with the boys from den meetings; please ask your son each week if his Den Leader made any special announcements. Anytime a parent has a question or concern, they should feel free to phone the Den Leader or Cubmaster.



"The Boy Scouts of America has always been a uniformed body. The uniforms help to create a sense of belonging. They symbolize character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. Wearing a uniform gives youth and adult members a sense of identification and commitment. The uniform identifies youth and adult members of the Boy Scouts of America, visible as a force for good in the community. When properly and smartly worn, the uniform can build good unit spirit. When worn on the correct occasions, it can attract new members. The uniform shows the wearers activity, responsibility, and achievement. What each member has accomplished with program opportunities can be recognized by the insignia worn on the uniform. The uniform is a constant reminder to all Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and WEBELOS Scouts of their commitment to the ideals and purpose of the Boy Scouts of America. The uniform encourages them to take Scouting seriously because of the investment in uniforms by parents. The uniform is a way of making visible members commitment to a belief in God, loyalty to country, and helping others at all times. The leaders of Scouting promote the wearing of the correct complete uniform on all suitable occasions."

Pack 341 is a full uniform pack. A scout shirt and neckerchief does NOT make a complete uniform. EVERY CUB SCOUT in Pack 341 needs a complete, official scout uniform. Den Leaders must have the official uniform shirt at a minimum.  Pack 341 Cub Scouts and leaders should be in full uniform for all den meetings, pack meetings, and other pack activities. The field uniform (commonly referred to as a class "A" uniform) is simply the right equipment for scouting! Emphasis will be placed on wearing the uniform proudly and uniform inspections will be held regularly. At the same time, we recognize that all clothing is expensive and uniforms are no exception. A special section on uniforms in the back of this guide lists several steps Pack 341 has taken to reduce the cost of acquiring a new uniform as well as several tips for locating "experienced" uniforms. To assist with the latter, Pack 341 operates a Uniform Closet program to facilitate the exchange of uniforms among our members (see section at the bottom of page 3). The cost of a uniform should never be a reason for a boy not to be a member of Pack 341.

Pack 341 has also adopted a special class "B" (activity) uniform which consists of a distinctive pack tee shirt. There will be events (such as car washes, hikes, and campouts) during the year where the class "B" uniform will be appropriate. The class "B" (activity) uniform is strictly optional and is NOT a substitute for the official class "A" (field) uniform. New scouts should concentrate on acquiring a full class "A" uniform before worrying about a class "B" uniform.



All dens (Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear, and WEBELOS) meet at the church on Monday nights at 7:00pm from early September through the end of May.  Den Leaders may request that a meeting be moved to another location for educational purposes. This request must be made to the Cubmaster at least one week prior to the date of the meeting to be moved.  Den Leaders are responsible to ensure all members of the den, including the Den Chief, are notified of the change. An adult partner at every pack activity, including weekly den meetings must accompany Tiger Scouts. Parents are not normally required to stay with older boys, but they are always welcome. Siblings and guests (other than prospective Cub Scouts) should not be brought to den meetings. Den Leaders typically plan crafts or other activities for a specific number of boys and have enough materials for the Cub Scouts only. Den meetings typically last 60 minutes. Meeting times may be extended, however, to accommodate a special activity or a more complex craft. Each Den Leader will notify their scouts about the meeting time for their den.




Parents should never just "drop their child off" at the door. Emergencies do happen and a den meeting might be cancelled at the last minute. Also, 8-10 year olds don’t always reliably relay information about special activities such as a field trip or change in meeting place. Parents should always walk their son inside and sign him in with his Den Leader. Parents should not leave until they know the Den Leader(s) is present and that the den will be meeting as regularly scheduled.

Parents should also park and come inside to retrieve their son. In addition to satisfying safety and security concerns, this will give parents the opportunity to speak briefly with the Den Leader(s) about any special problems, concerns, or upcoming activities. Den Leaders are volunteers. Any efforts that parents can make to facilitate good communication and save them phone-calling time will be sincerely appreciated!



Scouts are expected to behave themselves and act at all times in a socially acceptable manner. Den Leaders should have a good understanding of elementary school aged boys. Most infractions can and will be handled effectively by the Den Leaders. Should a boy be unusually disruptive, one of the Cubmasters or other adult leaders will remove the boy from the group and have him sit in a chair in a "time-out" area away from other scouts. If disruptive behavior becomes typical, a parent will be required to accompany that scout to meetings in order to provide appropriate guidance. The intent is never to exclude or expel any boy from Cub Scouting, but, rather, to guide and encourage responsible behavior.



All dens meet together on the last Monday of every month -- all year round! Pack meetings typically last between 60 and 90 minutes. Uniform inspections will be conducted as scouts arrive. In order to start the program portion of the meeting promptly at 7:00pm, scouts need to arrive by 6:45pm to get inspected and take their seats. All scouts should be accompanied by a parent to pack meetings. Pack meetings are NOT a drop-off event! All advancements will be presented at pack meetings and parents are often asked to be part of the presentation ceremony. Boys whose parents are not present are often disappointed and embarrassed -- and parents miss out on seeing their son get formally recognized. Parent attendance at pack meetings is important.

Pack meetings serve two primary purposes: (1) to formally recognize scouts for their achievements and present any awards or badges earned, and (2) to provide information to parents about upcoming pack activities which require parent involvement and support. Parents should come to pack meetings prepared to give their FULL attention and support to their Cub Scout -- this is his special night.

Pack meetings, while fun, are somewhat formal. The award presentations are serious and special -- especially to the boy(s) being recognized and his parent(s). Parents should sit with their sons den and not stand along the back wall. They should set a good example for the boys by being attentive and respectful of the speaker. They should not leave early. They should not bring food or drinks into the meeting room nor allow their children to do so. The soft drink machine will be OFF LIMITS before and during Pack Meetings! Parents are welcome to take photos or video but should be sensitive about creating undue disruption or using flashes that destroy the mood of a ceremony. Though many traditionally solemn occasions in our society have become virtual zoos of human behavior, Scouting holds higher ideals and standards.



To assist families in outfitting their Cub Scout, Pack 341 operates a uniform exchange program referred to as the Uniform Closet. This program accepts donations of "experienced" uniforms which boys have outgrown, paying the donor a nominal amount for each major uniform part. The Pack then resells these uniforms to other Pack families. When shirts are donated with the Council Strip and Pack Numeral still attached, the Pack will provide the donor with corresponding new patches. This makes it easier on both the buyer and the donor!



Each level of Cub Scouting (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and WEBELOS) has an associated handbook. The handbook details the rank advancement requirements and suggests projects or activities the scouts can do in order to satisfy those requirements. Every boy must acquire his own copy of the appropriate handbook as soon after joining as possible. It is also very important that each boy write his name in his handbook, as den leaders will periodically collect the handbooks in order to record advancements.



One responsibility of the Den Leader is to keep track of each boy’s advancement progress. BUT it is the responsibility of the parent(s) to see that the scout completes the requirements necessary to advance. While some advancement requirements will be met by activities at weekly den meetings, there will not be time during the year to accomplish everything required to advance in rank. Cub Scouting is a FAMILY ACTIVITY and parents should work with their sons on advancement.

At the Tiger, Wolf, and Bear levels, parents may sign-off and date requirements in the handbook as their sons satisfactorily complete them. At the WEBELOS level, only the WEBELOS Den Leader(s), Cubmaster, or Assistant Cubmaster(s) may sign-off the requirements. This system is designed to prepare the WEBELOS Scout for his transition to Boy Scouting where mastery of skills must be demonstrated to an adult leader or merit badge counselor.



Unlike the other ranks, WEBELOS is a two-year program. Pack 341 is fortunate to be large enough to be able to have separate dens for our first- and second-year WEBELOS scouts. During the WEBELOS I year, the boys will concentrate primarily on earning the various Activity Badges required to achieve the WEBELOS rank. During the WEBELOS II year, boys finish work on any unearned Activity Badges but the emphasis is more on the transition to Boy Scouting. WEBELOS II scouts work toward the Arrow of Light Award, the highest achievement of Cub Scouting and the only Cub Scout badge which can be worn on the Boy Scout uniform. By design, much of the WEBELOS II program is conducted outdoors. WEBELOS II scouts will get to hike, camp, and learn to cook over a campfire.

The WEBELOS scouts, particularly the WEBELOS II scouts, are the boy leaders of Pack 341. The younger boys all look up to them and model after them. The WEBELOS II year is their chance to shine and begin developing the leadership skills they will use in Boy Scouting. The packs official crossover ceremony will be conducted at the annual Blue and Gold Banquet.



Pack activities are not restricted to monthly pack meetings. Pack 341 conducts a year round program of full pack activities that includes Saturday day-trips, evening special events, and weekend campouts. As a family program, parent participation is encouraged in all of these activities. Some events may also be appropriate for siblings. Attention is given to the cost of all activities in an effort to select ones in which all scout families can afford to participate. A copy of the pack calendar of events is found on this web site or will be provided separately to assist families in making plans to fully participate.



Boys want to camp. Pack 341 provides at least three opportunities a year for ALL our Cubs to do that. Cub Scout camping is "family camping" and parents who don’t participate really miss out on some great opportunities to spend true quality time with their son(s). Previous camping experience is not necessary. Nor is it necessary to invest in expensive tents or other equipment. Meals are generally planned and prepared on a group basis. The Pack always selects sites that are safe for our scouts and tries to select sites that feature flush toilets.  WEBELOS can camp without their parents, however, all other cub scouts must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.



Day camp is a five day experience for the cubs.  Cub Scouts will generally arrived at 8:30am and participate during the day and go home about 4:00pm.  This is not an overnight camping event.  Parents can drop off their scout as long as the minimum adult leadership has been arranged.  This program is held at multiple locations in June and July.



CRC is a short term camping experience designed to introduce Cubs and their parents to a theme-based, summertime camping experience.  It is three days and two nights of tent camping, usually held at the Tunnel Mill Scout Reservation in Charlestown, Indiana.



WRC is a 4-day resident camping program conducted by the local Boy Scout council specifically for 1st and 2nd year WEBELOS Scouts. Parents are not required to attend this camp with their sons so long as the Pack is able to maintain at least a 1:4 leader/boy ratio. Pack 341 scouts typically attend this camp in late July or early August during the summer between their Bear and WEBELOS 1 years and again between their WEBELOS 1 and WEBELOS 2 years. WRC is usually held at Tunnel Mill Scout Reservation.



The annual Blue & Gold Banquet is one of the highlights of the Cub Scout year. It is usually held in February, the birth month of Scouting in America. Some years the dinner is potluck, other years it has been professionally catered.  Whatever the meal arrangements, it is a special evening for all Cub Scouts and their parents. The boys and den leaders make decorations for weeks in advance and there is friendly competition between dens to see who can create the most elaborate, festive table based on the annual theme. Dessert is traditionally provided by a parent-son bake-off.  The cakes are then auctioned off with the proceeds going to the Pack.



All interested Cubs have the opportunity to purchase a kit and build their own model wooden racecar. Pack 341 runs a series of electronically races on a Saturday, early in the calendar year. This has traditionally been one of the packs most popular events. It is important for parents to remember that the emphasis should be on the boy having fun and learning to build a car with Dad or Mom -- not on winning.



Each year Pack 341 allows the boys to showcase their many and varied individual talents as well as den presentations. This event has developed into one of the Packs most popular activities. You will want to be sure to attend and invite the grandparents! 



Some boys -- and parents -- assume that sports and Scouting don’t mix. This is simply not true. In fact, boys who play certain organized sports can earn scouting Sports Pins and Beltloops. Cub Scouting recognizes the values and lessons learned through sports and encourages sports participation.

Conflict can arise, however, when proper balance is not maintained. Just as a boy who misses every practice won’t improve in skill and be much of an asset to his team, a boy who misses numerous den meetings and pack activities won’t be getting the full benefit of Cub Scouting, may fall behind in his advancement, and may even lose interest in scouting and drop out.

Pack 341 encourages parents to guide their sons and intervene, as necessary, with coaches or scout leaders to achieve a balance between sports and Cub Scouting. Perhaps a coach will excuse a boy from Monday night practice if he is faithful in attending other team practices? Pack 341 will always work with parents and scouts who desire to participate actively in scouting as well as sports or other activities.



The families of its members support pack 341. The sponsoring institution provides a place to meet and pays the annual charter fee, but provides no other financial support. Monies donated to Metro United Way by individuals and businesses go directly to the local council to support the local camps and infrastructure of scouting. While all scouts do benefit by having a strong council and well-run, well-maintained local camps, units do not receive any direct financial support.

The various badges, patches, pins, awards, and belt loops must be purchased by the pack from the local council office. And boys in Pack 341 earn a lot of these! There are also expenses such as meeting supplies, insurance, and pack equipment. In order to finance the operation of the unit, Pack 341 conducts several fund raising projects during the year. These projects are selected by the Pack Committee as activities, which have good income potential. Whenever possible, the pack selects projects that can be done by Cub Scouts so that the boys learn as well as earn.

All scouts are expected to participate in fundraisers, just as they are expected to participate in other pack activities. No quotas or minimums are ever established, though incentives may be offered for meeting certain goals. Each scout is simply expected to "DO HIS BEST" and live up to the Cub Scout motto.

Several projects which have traditionally been quite successful for Pack 341 are the annual popcorn sale, the sale of candy bars, car washes, yard sales and the Burger King fundraiser and other selected events. Pack 341 has long been one of the leading units in the council in selling popcorn -- a tradition we expect to continue. The pack also supports the local council by selling tickets to the annual Scout-O-Rama exposition. Other projects will be planned according to pack financial needs.



Each scout can earn money for scouting by participating in the various fundraising opportunities.  These “accounts” are maintained by the pack treasurer.  The scout accounts can be used for scout related functions, fees, uniforms and equipment only.  If a scout transfers to a new pack or troop, Pack 341 will transfer the account to the new pack or troop, upon written request.  This account transfer must be within six months after the scout’s Pack 341 registration has expired or transferred.  There will be no “cashing in” of the account if the scout leaves the scouting program completely.  The funds will be forfeited to Pack 341.


The registration (recharter) fee for Pack 341 is determined by the National Council. This fee will be collected each November from all scouts. It covers registration, insurance, and Boys Life magazine.

Boys will be encouraged to have a full class "A" scout uniform and the handbook appropriate for their den.  The section on uniforms in the back of this guide provides suggestions on acquiring uniforms at a lesser cost. Our Uniform Closet program can assist with uniform needs.

Boys and parents will also pay participation fees for selected activities such as den field trips or weekend outings. These fees will cover only the actual cost of these events and will only be paid by those who participate in that particular activity. Pack 341 never "taxes" families by charging inflated event fees. Every effort is made to keep the cost of participating in any Pack 341 activity reasonable and affordable by ALL our members.

In order for the Den Leader to plan and conduct projects which involve an expense, monthly “den dues” are charged.  The set amount for each den is five dollars ($5.00) per scout for each regular meeting month.  This does not include the months of June, July, August and December.  This fee is due on the first meeting of each month.  This money is to be used for scouting activities, den parties and den supplies only.  The den leader is responsible to ensure that the dues are spent on the den as a whole not on individual scouts. The Den Leader must keep an accounting of the dens dues and is responsible to the Cubmaster and the Pack Committee for the accounting of said den dues.

Dollar for dollar, Scouting is unquestionably one of the highest returns, most cost-effective investments parents can make in their son(s).



Families who wish to support Pack 341 in the form of direct contributions are always invited to do so. Any monies donated to the pack always benefit our scouts. Checks should be made payable to "Pack 341" and given to the treasurer or Cubmaster.

Donations of craft supplies or any items that would otherwise need to be purchased are also welcomed. Parents who have any special connections to businesses that could benefit the pack should inform one of the Cubmasters or the Pack Committee Chairman. Donations of outgrown uniforms to the Uniform Closet are particularly appreciated.




Activities which are fun, interesting, and safe for 6-10 year old boys.

High moral and ethical standards to be demonstrated at all times by all adult leaders.

Programs, den meetings, and activities to be adequately planned and organized.

Activity costs and other fees to be reasonable.

Meetings to start and end on time.

Good communication.



Be of good moral character.

Set a positive example for both Cubs and other adults by your language, conduct, and attitude.

Be on time.

Be prepared for the meeting or activity you will lead.

Complete Cub Scout Leader Basic Training.

Adhere to all BSA, Pack 341, and SHUMC rules and policies.

Support Pack activities and encourage others to do likewise.

Attend ALL Pack Committee meetings

Acquire and wear a full, proper Scout uniform to all pack functions and have your sons do the same.

Maintain open communication with parents.




Be on time for meetings and activities.

Wear a full, proper Scout uniform to all meetings and activities (unless otherwise instructed).

Follow all pack rules.

Be respectful of and cooperate with all adult leaders.

Cooperate with and be respectful toward fellow Scouts.

Be an active participant in all pack activities.

DO THEIR BEST at all times.




Have their boys at all meetings and activities on time.

Be prompt in picking up their boys at the announced time.

Attend all monthly Pack Meetings, sit with their Scouts den, and participate as requested.

Show respect and support for all Scouts by being attentive and not leaving meetings early.

Participate in as many Pack activities with their boys as possible.

Respect announced deadlines and due dates.

Participate in Pack fund raising activities.

Take an active interest in their son’s advancement.

Be encouraging and supporting.

Communicate frequently with their sons Den Leader(s).












Overview: There are two different uniforms worn by boys during their Cub Scout careers -- one for Tiger, Wolf and Bear years, and one for WEBELOS. The details of each are outlined below. 

Where to Purchase: New uniforms can be purchased from either of two BSA-operated Scout Shops. Like-new uniforms are frequently available at thrift stores operated by Goodwill, the Salvation Army, the Volunteers of America, or other charities at remarkably low prices. Used uniforms are also often available from e-bay, Pack and Troop 341 families whose sons have progressed to the next level or simply outgrown them. Pack 341 operates a Uniform Closet to facilitate the exchange of such uniforms among our membership.

Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Cubs: Cub Scouts in Tiger, Wolf and Bear dens wear the traditional blue Cub Scout uniform which consists of shirt, trousers or shorts, official web belt, dark blue socks, cap, and neckerchief. The appropriate BSA cap. Many parents have found that the most flexible uniform consists of a short-sleeve shirt and long trousers. Official socks have a yellow band around the top, but any dark blue socks are acceptable with long trousers; official socks should be worn with shorts.

WEBELOS: Boys at the WEBELOS level must wear the khaki/green Boy Scout uniform, which can be worn on into Boy Scouting. WEBELOS should continue to wear the blue web belt with the khaki uniform. The official BSA WEBELOS and the plaid WEBELOS neckerchief with slide.


Leaders: The Pack 341 Adult leader uniform is the BSA official khaki shirt and green pants/shorts.

Insignia: The following insignia must be purchased separately and sewn onto the uniform shirt: Council Patch, World Scouting Emblem, Unit Numeral, and Den Patch. Information about proper placement is provided in the various Cub Scout handbooks or from the Cubmaster.



Because purchasing that first class "A" uniform is often confusing for parents new to scouting, this page summarizes Pack 341’s recommendations for NEW SCOUTS.


Tiger, Wolf and Bear Scouts Purchase from the local Scout Shop:

Official blue, short-sleeve uniform shirt

Official blue trousers or shorts (your preference)

Official blue cub scout socks

Official blue CUB web belt (be sure to get a belt with the CUB SCOUT buckle)

Appropriate official neckerchief

Appropriate official Cub Scout neckerchief slide

Council Patch

Den numeral patch

World Scouting Emblem

Appropriate Scout Handbook


     Purchase from Pack 341:

          Pack Numeral


WEBELOS Purchase from the local Scout Shop:

Official khaki, short-sleeve uniform shirt

Official green trousers or shorts (your preference)

Official green scout socks with red tops

Official blue cub scout belt

Official red plaid neckerchief

Official WEBELOS neckerchief slide

Council Patch

World Scouting Emblem 

Patrol patch (den leaders discretion)

WEBELOS Scout Handbook


     Purchase from Pack 341:

          Pack Numeral



Pack 341 strictly adheres to the Boy Scout guidelines on Youth Protection and Safety. These rules were developed to protect both boys and volunteer leaders and to assure parents that their sons will be safe while participating in any Scouting activity. Pack 341 adult leaders must complete a 4-hour BSA Basic Training course which covers all the basic rules and guidelines.

Among the rules followed by Pack 341 are the following:

Two-Deep Leadership: There must be at least two adults present at any meeting with a boy.

"Present" is interpreted to mean "within plain sight." Boys will never be alone with any adult (other than their own parent) during any Scout activity. This includes den meetings.

Sleeping Accommodations. No boy may share a tent with any adult other than their own parent. Example: If two boy-dad pairs go on a campout, each dad may share a tent with his own son or the two dads may share a tent and the two boys may share a separate tent but the two dads and the two boys may not share a single large tent since each boy would be sharing a tent with an adult other than his own parent, even though his parent is present.

Overnight Activities: Each Scout must be accompanied by a parent or designated adult guardian on any activity where the boy is expected to sleep. A "designated guardian" may be a relative or the parent of another Scout but may NOT be a registered adult leader. No Den Leader, Assistant Den Leader, WEBELOS Leader, Assistant WEBELOS Leader, Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Committee Chairperson, or other registered adult leader may act in the capacity of designated guardian.

Transportation: All Scouts must wear seat belts at all times when traveling in automobiles. Scouts may not be transported in trucks except in the passenger compartment. Drivers must be at least 18 years old, hold a valid driver’s license, and be insured. Drivers of vehicles designed to transport more than 15 passengers must possess a valid CDL. Whenever possible, travel will be done in daylight.

Reporting Responsibility: Kentucky State Law requires that volunteer youth workers (such as Scout leaders) report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to authorities. In Cub Scouting, the process works as follows: the leader who suspects abuse or neglect will inform the Cubmaster, who will notify the Scout District Executive, who will notify the appropriate authorities, who will conduct an appropriate investigation.

Tobacco Products and Alcoholic Beverages: Smoking is prohibited inside the church building. During pack activities, registered adult leaders are expected to refrain from using any tobacco products where Scouts can see them. Alcoholic beverages of any kind are strictly prohibited at any Scout function.

Drugs, Fireworks, and Weapons: These are all strictly prohibited at any Scout activity unless under the direction and control of a recognized expert. Examples of recognized experts would be a police officer conducting a drug education class or a NRA certified instructor giving a firearm safety course. Cub Scouts do not shoot gunpowder weapons. Scouts in general do not use any type of lighter fluid or other chemical fire starters.








The name given to a major requirement in the Cub Scout program. There are 12 achievements for the Wolf rank and 24 possible achievements for the Bear rank


Activity Badge

One of 20 specialized recognitions earned by WEBELOS Scouts.



Advanced Training

In-depth training for experienced adult leaders, i.e. Wood Badge.



The process by which a member meets certain requirements and earns recognition.



The name of respect for a good adult leader in Cub Scouting. Also a character in The Jungle Book and a wolf cartoon character that represents Akela in BSA Cub Scout handbooks and literature.


Arrow of Light (AOL)

The highest Cub Scout (BSA) youth award. It is a blue rectangular patch with a yellow arrow that has seven rays of light above it. It's the only Cub Scout award that a boy can wear on his Boy Scout uniform shirt.  There is an adult Scout leader's square knot that can be worn to signify having earned the AOL as a Cub Scout.


Arrow Points

A BSA Cub Scout award for Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts. They are small arrow shaped patches (badges) worn under the rank badge. The gold arrow is given to a Cub Scout for their first ten completed electives, and the silver arrow for every subsequent ten completed electives.


Assistant Cubmaster (ACM)

A BSA volunteer Scout Leader (21 or older, man or woman) who assists the Cubmaster in running a Cub Scout Pack. They help and backup the Cubmaster in being the master-of-ceremonies at a Pack Meeting.


Assistant Den Leader  (ADL)

A BSA volunteer Scout Leader (21 or older, man or woman) who assists the Den Leader in planning and conducting Wolf and Bear Den meetings and the advancement program.


Assistant Denner

A Cub Scout who helps the Denner, the Den Chief and Den Leader with Den and Pack meetings. This is generally a rotating position so each Cub Scout may serve and learn a little about helping and leadership.


Assistant Denner Shoulder Cord

A BSA Cub Scout Denner award in the form of a gold single-strand shoulder cord and yellow tab which is worn on the left shoulder with the cord suspended under the arm of the uniform shirt. It is only worn only during a term of office and removed when the term is completed.


Baden-Powell, Lord Robert Stephenson Smyth     (1857-1940)

Founder of the world-wide Scout Movement. As a British officer, he was sent to South Africa to defend Mafeking. To help teach the poorly prepared troops under his command how to live in the out-of-doors, he made up games he called "Stunts for Scouting." When he returned he wrote them into a book called Aids to Scouting that found their way into boy's hands. Thus started the Scout movement.



A bear cartoon character that represents the Bear Den Leader in BSA Cub Scout handbooks and literature. Also a character in The Jungle Book.



(Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) Cub Scout adult leader outdoor training.  This training is required to be completed by at least one adult present on any Cub Scout Camping trip.





Basic Training

Formal introduction to the program, purpose, ideals and procedures of the Cub Scout program necessary for a volunteer to function with the ease and confidence that comes with knowledge.



The third rank badge and level in BSA Cub Scouting (for third grade boys). The award is a diamond shaped patch with a bear's head in the center of it. It is worn on the blue Cub Scout uniform shirt left pocket.


Bear Handbook

A BSA publication used by boys and their Bear Den Leaders to earn the Bear award.


Blue and Gold Banquet

A birthday dinner for Scouting held by Cub packs around February.


Bobcat Badge

The first youth award of Cub Scouting that a new Cub earns by knowing the basic requirements of Cub.  The award is a diamond shaped badge (patch) with a bobcat head embroidered on it.


Boy Scout

A registered male member of a nationally recognized Scout Program. In America, he is a registered member, who is 11 or has earned the Arrow of Light Award, or has completed the fifth grade, but not yet eighteen years of age.


Boy Scouts of America (BSA)

A national organization chartered by Congress to teach boys to become good citizens. Founded and incorporated on February 8, 1910.


Boys' Life Magazine

A monthly magazine for boys and Boy Scouts. The first issue of Boys' Life appeared in April 1911 and cost five cents.




Skills for living in the outdoors, such as shelter construction, fire building, cooking, and field sanitation.




A campout of usually two nights and three days where multiple Cub Scout Packs and Boy Scout troops come together and hold Patrol contests that test Scout Skills. The boys earn awards patrol and troop awards (usually in the form of ribbons for their flag) and they usually receive a participant’s patch.




Formal permission from the Boy Scouts of America allowing a pack to organize.


Chartered Organization

The sponsoring organization of the pack. This organization may be a religious, civic, fraternal, educational or other community-based group. Monthly pack meetings are usually held in a building owned by that organization.


Chartered Organization Representative

A liaison between the  chartered organization and the Pack.


Chief Scout Executive

The top-ranking professional Scouter of the Boy Scouts of America.


Class "A"

Full dress uniform, i.e. blue, or tan scout shirt, scout pants, belt, neckerchief, slide, and hat. Also called the field uniform.


Class "B"

Defined by unit, generally scouting tee or sweat shirt.



Climb on Safely

BSA program that teaches safe climbing and rappelling activities at all levels of the Scouting program (Tiger Cubs to Venturing).


Committee Chairperson

A registered adult elected by the Pack Committee to chair the Pack Committee. Presides at Committee meetings. Works closely with the Charter Organization Rep and Scoutmaster or Cubmaster to ensure the scouting program meets BSA guidelines.



Compass Point Patch

Award earned by WEBELOS Scouts as they advance in the WEBELOS program. This cloth patch is hung by a loop from a button on the boy's right shirt pocket. Metal pins are added to the patch and attached at compass points (north, east, south and west) as the boy advances by earning activity badges.



In the BSA it is an organization responsible for scout units within a designated geographic area. They organize leader training courses, offer and own Scout summer camps, have a Service Center (Council Office) and organize events using adult volunteers as needed. The Council is responsible for training, membership, advancement, and all records for its units and members. Each state has one or more Councils that provide support to units in their geographic area. There is one National Council that governs all local BSA Councils and their are BSA Councils in foreign countries that provide a Scouting program to US Military personnel and diplomatic agencies.


Council headquarters

The local office for Scouting in a specific geographic area. The country is divided into more than 400 local councils.  We are in the Lincoln Heritage Council which is located at 12001 Sycamore Station Place, Louisville, KY  (502) 361-2624


Council Service Center

The business center for the local administration of Scouting.  This the same as council headquarters.


Cracker Barrel

A scout term for a get together or informal meeting, usually held at night after days events where things are discussed over drinks and snacks.



Adult Leader of a Cub Scout Pack who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Pack. A commissioned volunteer Scouter, 21 or older, elected by the Pack Committee.



Cub Scout Leader Basic Training

Taken after Fast Start training, this may be delivered as a one-day training course, a three-step course, or a self study course. WEBELOS leader outdoor training is also part of the basic training for some leaders.


Cub Scout

A registered male youth member of the Boy Scouts of America who is six years old (1st school grade) to 10.5 years old (5th school grade) and belongs to a Pack



Cub Scout Leader Book

A BSA guide for all adult Cub Scout Leaders.


Cub Scout Leader How-To Book

A BSA publication that helps Cub Scout Leaders with games, craft and activities.


Cub Scout Leader Specific Training Book

A BSA guide for all adult Cub Scout Leaders.



An adult Cub Scout leader (21 or older, man or woman) who runs a Cub Scout Pack. They are the master-of-ceremonies at a Pack Meeting. The Den Leaders report to the Cubmaster and the Cubmaster reports to a Pack Committee.



Small group of Cub Scouts who meet once a week to work on projects, learn games, songs, tricks and skits to be presented at monthly pack meeting.


Den Chief

A Boy Scout who has been appointed to help direct the activities of a Cub Scout den.


Den Leader

A BSA volunteer Scout Leader (21 or older, man or woman) who leads a Den. They plan and conduct Cub Scout Den meetings and the rank advancement program.



A  Cub Scout leader who helps the Den Chief and Den Leader with Den and Pack meetings. This is generally a rotating position.


Denner Shoulder Cord

A BSA Cub Scout Denner award in the form of a gold double-stranded shoulder cord and yellow tab, is worn on the left shoulder with the cord  under the arm. Is only worn during the term of office and removed when the term is completed. After the term tab is worn alone without cord to indicate previous service.



One of several geographical areas that a council is broken down into.


District Commissioner

A volunteer Scouter who is in charge of all commissioners within a district.


District Committee

A group of registered adult scouters responsible for carrying out the council program within their district.


District Committee Chair

The executive officer of the district committee.


District Executive

A paid professional adult Scout leader (man or woman) responsible for organizing and managing non-paid adult volunteer Scout Leaders and Scout units within a district (or districts) within a local Council.


Ditty Bag

A small bag carried on a hike or campout that can hold a first aid kit and other small personal hygiene items.


Dutch Oven

A cast iron pot used to cook over the camp fire



A part of the Cub Scout advancement program. There are electives in both the Wolf and Bear rank books. For every 10 electives completed, a Cub Scout earns an arrow point.


Executive Board.

The National Executive Board is the governing body of the Boy Scouts of America. There is an executive board in each council which is the policy making body at the local level.


Fast Start Training

A video tape training aid and self-study course for adult leaders in Boy Scouts of America. There is even an online version of it on the Internet now. There is a fast start training for every level of the BSA Scouting program (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, etc.).


Field Director

A professional Scouter who is responsible for three or more district executives.


Friends of Scouting

An annual campaign in which Scouters, and other interested people in the community, can provide financial support to the local council to assist in meeting its objectives.


Gilwell     Gilwell Park training center of the British Scout Association and the original homesite of Wood Badge Training. Located in Epping Forest, England.


God and Country program series

A series of religious emblems presented to Scouts of the Protestant faiths.



A mixture of dried fruit, hard candies, nuts, chocolate chips, M&M's candies, cereals, grains, pretzels, and other small high energy foods. Usually stored in a zip-loc plastic bag, then kept in the pocket and eaten on the trail as a snack while hiking.



Interpreter Strip

A cloth patch that youth and adult members of the BSA earn for proficiency in a foreign language and includes sign language for the deaf. It has the name of the language embroidered on it and is worn above the Boy Scouts of America strip above the right uniform shirt pocket.



A huge special gathering of Scouts and Scout Leaders from many different units or regions within a state (a Regional Jamboree) within the American Nation (a BSA National Jamboree) or the World (a World Jamboree). Jamborees are usually held every four years.


Klondike Derby

A winter/snow oriented camporee. Overnight camping experience in the snow with team building games and activities.





Kudu Horn

A long, straight, spiral twisted horn from a species of antelope which ranges from South Africa to Ethiopia.   Baden-Powell introduced it at his first Brownsea Island Boy Scout training to call the patrols together. It is still used today at Wood Badge training sessions and Boy Scouts.




Leave No Trace

A common sense set of guidelines that allow Scouts to camp, hike, and take part in related outdoor activities in ways that are environmentally sound and considerate to others using the same areas. A leave No Trace Awareness Award is available to Scouts who fulfill certain requirements.


National Scout Office

The Boy Scouts of America  National Council (Headquarters) is located at 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, Texas, 75015.



A triangular piece of cloth that is wrapped and worn around the neck and held in place with a neckerchief slide or woggle. In the old days the neckerchief was square in shape and folded in half to form a triangle. Neckerchiefs come in many colors with both printed and embroidered designs and colored trim. There are many uses for a neckerchief besides a neck decoration.


New Leader Essentials

A BSA basic training guide for all adult Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venture Crew Leaders.



A cross-country trip to reach a destination and certain checkpoints along the way with the use of a map and compass.


Outdoor Code

A pledge for proper outdoor conduct which should be followed by all Cub Scouts and leaders.



The unit that conducts Cub Scouting for the chartered organization. Usually consists of 2 or more dens and conducts monthly meetings.


Pack Committee

A committee of concerned parents and leaders, approved by the chartered organization, to administer the affairs of the pack.


Pack Meeting

Monthly meeting of Cub Scouts, adult leaders, committee members and parents, where Cub Scouts and adults receive recognition for their



Worn on the uniform to designate rank or training awards. Refer to the Wolf, Bear, or WEBELOS books or Insignia Control Guide for placement information.


Philmont Scout Ranch

It is a 137,000 acre camp that was a gift to BSA by Waite Phillips. Later he gave 91,000 acres more so that Scouts could have the best backpacking, horseback riding, mountain climbing, and other outdoor adventures around. There are more than 10 base camps, and fourteen trail camps that individuals, Boy Scout Troops and Venturing Crews can enjoy. Training courses are held for Scouter Leaders here, for both volunteers and paid professionals.  A trek at Philmont is called a Philtrek.


Pinewood Derby

A pack activity that involves making and racing model cars on a tract.



A registered, full-time employee of the Boy, Scouts of America who has successfully completed formal training at the Center for Professional Development.


Program Helps

An annual publication of the BSA to help den and pack leaders plan their meetings by using monthly themes.


Progress Towards Ranks Patch

Diamond shaped patch to which a plastic thong and beads are attached for instant recognition of achievements. Each time a boy completes 3 achievements he will receive one bead. Wolf earns yellow and Bear earns red beads.



A Troop or Patrol leadership position. The person who looks after the equipment and supplies.



Annual process of re-registering the troop, scouts and scouters. Each unit designates leaders to collect information and present updated paperwork to the council.



All individuals of the Scouting program must be listed in a registry of members. Usually requires filing a form and paying a yearly membership fee.


Religious Awards

To aid a Scout in his duty to God, churches and synagogues have developed awards for the Scouts and Scouters of their faith. These are not Scout awards or metals but awarded by a religious group. They may be worn on the Scout uniform, along with a special square knot patch issued by BSA.



A monthly district or council adult Scout Leader meeting that helps Scout Leaders learn how to plan and organize their unit's Scouting program, advancement and how to build leadership morale and Scout Spirit. It's also where they learn district and council news. This term was derived by Baden-Powell after the "Knights of the Roundtable" and the days of chivalry.



A program to stimulate member-to-nonmember invitation to join a Scout Pack. recruitment


Safe Swim Defense

A plan with eight defenses for safe swimming.


Safety Afloat

Guidelines for safe troop activity afloat in craft less than 26 feet long.


School Night for Scouting

A one night event in a neighborhood school where boys and parents gather to hear how Cub Scouting operates and how they can join.



The word means one who listens, from the French word "to listen." B-P said that the term Scout means "the work and attributes of Backwoodsmen, explorers, seaman, airmen, pioneers, and frontiersman." So with a scheme to make his new program with character building appeal to boys (and girls), he gave it a name to draw them. "Scout" is now synonymous with his program.


Scout Executive

The highest full-time paid professional Scout Leader who directs a local BSA Council. They are hired and report to a Council President and can be fired by the Council President and the Council Executive Board as well.



A registered adult member of a Scout group, who is 18 year old or older, and who serves as a youth leader in the Scouting program.


Scouting for Food

National Good Turn: Every year, Scouts collect food for the fight against hunger. Bags for canned food are distributed on a Saturday in November and then collected the following Saturday. The food is turned over to local food banks for distribution to needy families. This is a national "Good Turn" of the Boy Scouts of America. Food distribution centers rely on this huge influx of food right before the Thanksgiving holidays.


Scouting Magazine

The official magazine sent to all registered Scouters.



A Scout Show or event where Scouts demonstrate their outdoor skills and scoutcraft for the general public held in the infield of Churchill Downs.


Scouts Own Service

Non-denominational religious observance of reflection usually conducted on campouts. Allows each Scout the opportunity to obey the twelfth point of the Scout Law in his own way. Please, let us know if you do not want your son to participate in this activity, as we wish to respect every family's religious beliefs.


Service Star

Worn on the uniform above the left pocket to denote years of service in the Scouting program.


Swimmer Test

A specific set of tests to ascertain a minimum level of swimming ability required for deep-water swimming.



An emblem or design designating the name of a Boy Scout Patrol, Cub Scout Den or a person. This term was borrowed from the Native Americans (Indians) who used it for a lodge, clad or a person within a tribe.


Tour Permit

A document that must be filed with the council office before any official scouting activity can take place. Special permits are required for travel out-of-state, over 500 miles, or for flying activities.



The unit that conducts the Boy Scout Program for the chartered organization.


Two-Deep Leadership

The concept of having at least two adult registered leaders at every pack meeting or den outing for the safety and welfare of the Cubs.


Uniform Inspection

A feature of a unit meeting when members of the registered unit are given an opportunity to demonstrate their uniformed appearance.  Uniform inspections are conducted at all pack meetings.



Any individual charter group within the BSA program such as a Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, Varsity Team, Venturing Crew, etc.


Unit Commissioner

A BSA volunteer leader (21 or older) that interfaces between a unit and the Boy Scout Council. Their job is to help units run smoothly.


University of Scouting

All-day learning experience for Cub Scout leaders covering a wide variety of subjects with some hands-on experiences.



A stand-alone program of the BSA for young men and women ages 14 through 20 who have completed the eighth grade and who subscribe to the Venturing Oath and Code.



Individual who donates services, time, and/or funds to support the program of the Boy Scouts of America.



The Cub Scout den for ten year-old boys that prepares them to become Boy Scouts. It means "We'll be loyal Scouts," and comes from the words Wolf, Bear, Lion, and Scout, the earlier ranks of Cub Scouting.



A rank earned by a fourth or fifth grade boy which is part of the requirements for the Arrow of Light.



A group of WEBELOS Scouts who meet weekly under the supervision of a WEBELOS den leader.


WEBELOS Den Leader

The adult on-the-scene supervisor of a WEBELOS Scout den. A registered member of the pack who attends basic training to learn how to fulfill the job of a WEBELOS den leader.



A Cub Scout who has completed the third grade belongs to a WEBELOS den. He works on activities in the WEBELOS book which are suited to his age. He will be exposed to more challenging outdoor experiences including camping.



A turks head woven knot worn by a Wood Badger or another name for a neckerchief (or scarf) slide.



A rank earned by a second grade Cub Scout when he completes 12 achievements in the Wolf Book.


Wood Badge

This is an advanced adult leader training course for both Cub Scout and Boy Scout leaders. This is not just a BSA training program, but one that is taught by many Scouting organizations world wide. Lord Baden-Powell started Wood Badge training at the now famous Gilwell Park in London, England. A leader who completes this training program has special "Wood Badge Regalia" which consists of an insignia of a Axe stuck in a Log, a pair of wooden beads on a leather thong that is worn around the neck, a tan neckerchief (or scarf) with a square of Tartan sewn on the back of it and a leather turks head woven knot neckerchief slide (also known as a woggle).


World Conservation Award

An award emphasizing the importance of our natural resources and our interdependence with other countries in fulfilling our mutual needs


World Scouting Emblem

A badge worn by Scouts and Scouters as a symbol of commitment to the World Association of Scouting. A portion from the sale of this patch goes to support this association.


World Jamboree

An international camping event for Scouts that takes place every four years in a different country. Lord Baden-Powell held the first World Jamboree in Olympia, London, England in 1920.


Youth Protection Plan

Guidelines and policies, in place, to help fight child abuse. This BSA Emphasis fights child abuse by teaching youth the "three R's": Recognize, Resist, and Report child abuse; by helping parents and Scouters learn to recognize indicators of child abuse; and by teaching them how to handle child abuse situations.


Pack Rules

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Cub Scout Pack 341 - Louisville, Kentucky
Mohawk District, Lincoln Heritage Council, Boy Scouts of America